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Marina Tsvetaeva

Marina Tsvetaeva

MARINA TSVETAEVA: "O, Tears That in Eyes Freeze…"

"O, Tears That in Eyes Freeze…"

O, tears that in eyes freeze!
The cry of love and pain!
My Chekhia’s in tears!
In blood is all my Spain!

O, mountain of black,
You shaded all the world!
It’s time to return back
My ticket to the God.

Yes, I refuse to be
In Bedlam of non-men.
Yes, I refuse to see
How wolves of squares do slain.

Yes, I refuse to wail
With field sharks of all ranks.
Yes, I refuse to sail 
Down the stream of backs.

My ears I need more not,
My eyes I needn’t to use,
To all your crazy world 
One answer – ‘I refuse.’

Translated by Yevgeny Bonver, November 27, 2005

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