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Bulat Okudjava

Bulat Okudjava

BULAT OKUDJAVA: Francois Villon

Francois Villon

While Earth is still turning around,
While light is still warming and bright,
I pray you, my Lord, give just everyone,
What everyone hasn’t on his side:

A head – give him who’s always clever,
A horse – give a coward – to flee,
Give money him, who’s now happy… 
And don’t be forgetful of me.

While Earth is still turning around,
-- My Lord, it’s for you to decide! – 
Let him, who is craving for power,
Enjoy it until his is glut.

Give breather a man, open-handed,
At least, his day’s evening to see.
Let Cain have his utter repentance…
And don’t be forgetful of me.

I know that you are almighty,
Believe to that wisdom of yours,
As solders believe – those killed ones – 
That they live the Eden indoors,

As always believes every ear
Your quiet admonishes to,
As all we believe to our actions,
Not knowing ev’n what we do.           

Oh, God! Oh, my Master, almighty!
Oh, You of the evergreen eyes!
While Earth is still turning around – 
That’s strange and to her and to us, – 

While she has enough of the fire
And time for us farther to be,
Give everyone even a little…
And don’t be forgetful of me.  

Translated by Yevgeny Bonver, May, 2001

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