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Alexandr Blok

Aleksandr Blok

(Born 1880, Died 1921)

(Translations from Russian)

Alexandr Blok, the greatest of the Russian Symbolists, progressed from the ethereal purity of Verses about the Beautiful Lady (1904) to the powerful expressiveness of his mature manner, fully developed by 1909. The wild intoxication of a gipsy woman's love, the spiritual destiny of his native land, and the agonizing limitations of the poet's art, are some of the main themes of his greatest body of poetry, to be found in the third volume of his collected verse (1907-16). His last masterpiece is The Twelve, a long poem which expresses his short-lived enthusiasm for the Revolution.

From "The Heritage of Russian Verse," by Dimitri Obolensky

"All Perished, All!..."
"All On the Earth..."
"And I Shall Watch..."
The Artist

The Death of Grandfather
"Do Neglect All Your Dear Creations"
"Do Not Entrust..."
"Don't Fear Death..."
"Do You Remember?..."

"The Earthly Heart..."

"The Faithless Shadows..."
"A Flame's In Skies..."
"Flaming Signs Of the Mystery..."

Gamajun, the Prophetic Bird
"A Girl Sang a Song..."
"Grass Was Pushing Through..."

"Halls Grew Darker..."
"Here We Live..."
"He, Who Was Born..."

"I Am Hamlet Now..."
"I Know, There's My Death..."
"In the Sea Of High Grass..."
"I Prefer the Gorgeous Freedom"
"I Seek Salvation..."
"I Slow Was Losing..."
"It's Lifted Up..."
"I've to Return..."
"I Wait For You..."

"My Monastery, Where..."
"My Sweet Friend..."

"Night, Streets, the Lantern..."

On the Field of Kulicovo
The Ophelia's Song

Servus -- Reginae
The Snow Maiden
"So Melodiously And Airily
"Spring Breaks In Rivers..."

"There're the Moments..."
"There's a Morn Demon..."
"This Night On Track..."
To the Muse

"Why, Why Forever..."

"You're Gone Away..."

See more translations by Yevgeny Bonver.

Special thanks to Yevgeny Bonver, Tanya Karshtedt and Dmitry Karshtedt for providing me with unique material for this page (i.e. with their translations of famous poems by Alexandr Blok)

Aleksandr Blok on the Web: Google | Wikipedia

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