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Konstantin Balmont

Konstantin Balmont



With a bright thought he’d started his great mission,
Having well-felt the alliance of all signs.
Transformed the grey dawn into gold-sunrise
With prudent shaman’s vocal repetitions.

His heart was drunk with greatness-wine delicious.
He’d understood how planets realize
The fates of men and poet’s watchful eyes
Had caught the ways of Tamerlane malicious.

In him first Faust is much greater cut,
Then second one, brought by another genius.
The fighter which, e’en in his falling ceaseless

Through endless night, preserved his lighted heart.
And his wished death – cry in a desert-plight
Of the mad age where wish prevails ‘gainst reasons.  

Translated by Yevgeny Bonver, September, 2003

You are here: Home » Russian Poets » Konstantin Balmont » Marlo
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