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Eduard Asadov

Eduard Asadov

EDUARD ASADOV: "When They Are Telling Me About..."

"When They Are Telling Me About..."

When they are telling me about grace,
With full delight and sometimes with a passion,
I don’t know why, but listening, in flesh one,
I see, in thoughts, your captivating face.

When sometimes they, with names of concrete persons,
Are telling me about women’s charms,
I don’t know why, but see again your fashion,
Your voice, your gesture and your dear eyes.

I always see your features everywhere,
Hear your words and meet you gentle sight,
Wherever I’m – you present always there – 
Proud of this, you are a little right.

But only, liking homage by your heart,
Try to live always voiding of disdain, 
‘Cause listening the peevishness about,
I see, in thoughts, you dear face again.

Translated by Yevgeny Bonver, March, 2001

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