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William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare

WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE: "Thus Was His Cheek..."

"Thus Was His Cheek..."

(From "Sonnets", LXVIII)
This is his cheek, the map of days outwarn,
When beauty liv’d and died as flowers do now,
Before these bastard signs of fair were born,
Or durst inhabit on a living brow;
Before the golden trasses of the dead,
The right of sepulchres were shorn away,
To live a second life on second head,
Ere beauty’s dead fleece made another gay:
In him those holy antique hours are seen,
Without all ornament, itself and true,
Making no summer on another’s green,
Robbing no old to dress his beauty new;
  And him as for a map doth Nature store,
  To show false Art what beauty was of youre.

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