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Poems Submitted by Our Readers

Joseph Peart: MODERN TALE

Modern Tale

Poems are silly when they have no meaning.
Containing rhetorical questions that have need of gleaning.
And a simple poet will rhyme all of his sentences.
And a simple poet will rhyme all of her sentences.
But I come now to tell of a tale.
Not a tell tale or a tall tale story but an invisible tale.
Because this story begins with a woman.
Because this story begins with a man.
Now whither you watch the tale unfold.
Or you are involved in it's unfolding.
It involves a man loving a woman.
It involves a woman loving a man.
Does it matter who loves who?
Does it matter who loves more than who?
She cares for him.
He cares for her.
Love tale, invisible tale, old tale, our tale.

Joseph Peart

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