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Poems Submitted by Our Readers

Gloria Ionescu: HIGH AND LOW

High and Low

I've reached the highest peak,
I've been up there, a bit.
Burning with fever, sick,
I also reached bottomless pit.

On a veer of the Zephyr
I touched soft, lapis blue sky;
I danced with a star
Till it was time to say good bye.

I floated in a lotus pool,
Serene, in universal harmony,
But had to leave, a fool,
As tinted inks caused anarchy.

I've been on jade pedestal,
I've worshipped on my knees,
But came to lose my idol
And crash to thousand G's.

Moon-washed, I cried.
Sweet spell was broken,
I had it all, I sighed,
And now it's gone, unspoken.

Gloria Ionescu

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