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Poems Submitted by Our Readers



When you were born my son,
a cuddly bundle of joy,
that I could hold to my breast,
or watch sleeping by my side,
all my world was pleasure filled,
& I was satisfied.

Now when you have grown my son,
when I should walk proud at your side,
when I should seek to lean on you,
My son! I'm terrified.

I nurtured you with my own blood son,
& fed you upon my milk,
I gave you the best education son,
which I could find in the ilk,
I taught you social graces son
I taught you manners too,
I gave you all the best I could,
an effort, I now must rue.

For when you were without clothes son,
you were also unashamed,
when you were without education son,
you were also without games,
when you were without graces son,
you were also without guile,
when you were without manners son,
you were also without false smiles.

When you were without learning son,
you were also without art,
you were a little savage son,
but you were never without a heart.

Now you have position son,
of knowledge & wealth a store,
so now you have no pity son,
nor innocence any more.

You've lost your charming smile my son,
you've sold your right to frown
your life's single acheivement son,
is the successful liar's crown.

You've got a great man's trappings son,
they'll sing of you in lore,
but you're not the child I bore my son,
you're not the son I bore.

Amitabh D Sinha

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