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Poems Submitted by Our Readers

Ron Loeffler: THE BIG CHURCH

The Big Church

Hoo-oo-ie! This is some kind of big church!
I mean, they have a room for ever'thing;
To pray, or teach, or counsel, or such.
Why! Even the rest room's fit for a king.
There's lots of pews; and they're all in velvet,
Like fancy chairs in some rich man's parlor.
They've got a shiny gold communion set,
And a crystal cup with silver border.

Look at these diplomas! There's a pastor
For ever'thing: for kids, songs and money.
According to the deacons, all this show
Is required to glorify our Master.
Sure, it's pretty, but it seems so phony.
Is this the kind of place where God would go?

			I Corinthians 3:16

Ron Loeffler

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