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Poems Submitted by Our Readers



         when it's all behind me
        when the storms of within
               are no more
       when the hates that deafen
               and blind me
                pass away
         like the echoes of war
       when the chains that stifle
               and bind me
         to the pain-wheel of time
               break apart
        when the hands that wound me
                unwind me
       like a chime clock that chimed
               with its heart
      when there are no more thoughts
              to remind me
             no more dreams
               to be lost
              no more scars
              when at last
        the things that defined me
              become clear
               in my mind
           like these stars
             when the space
        that held and confined me
               opens up
        like the book of my fate
          like the arms of him
            who assigned me
                to be me
              to be human
                to wait
            for the moment
                when I
             is behind me
[when the storms of within are no more, etc.]

S. A. Oleksy
February 10, 1996

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