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You are here: Home » Russian Poets » Nikolay Gumilev » My Thoughts

Nikolay Gumilev

Nikolay Gumilev


My Thoughts

Why did you come, my thoughts, in instant, 
Like thieves to rob my quiet habitation, 
Like vultures, gloomy and malignant,              
With thirst for dread retaliation.

My hopes are gone, and ran away my visions,
My eyes were opened by fierce agitation,
And, in the sacred books of new religions, 
I read my words, my deals and plans for future actions.

For that, that I with looks so calm and quiet,
Watched them who sailed to victory and glory,
That with my lips I touched the lips in fire,
Which did not have the former sinning story,

That those hands of mine, my own fingers,
Didn’t know a plough, were so thin and pliant,
And that my songs, the rambling meistersingers, 
Could only sing, while making a sad sound,

For all this now came repudiation. 
Blind men will smash the gentle, deceptive temple,
And thoughts will come into my habitation,
And strangle me, like thieves – a shabby tramper.      

Translated by Yevgeny Bonver, May, 2000
Edited by Dmitry Karshtedt, December, 2000

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