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George Gordon Byron

George Gordon Byron

GEORGE GORDON BYRON: Song Of Saul Before His Last Battle

Song Of Saul Before His Last Battle

(From "Hebrow Melodies")
Warriors and chiefs! should the shaft or the sword
Pierce me in leading the host of the Lord,
Heed not the corse, though a King’s in your path:
Bury your steel in the bosoms of Gath!

Thou who art bearing my buckler and bow,
Should the soldiers of Saul look away from the foe,
Stretch me that moment in blood at thy feet!
Mine be the doom which they dared to meet.

Farewell to others, bur never we part,
Heir to my Royalty – Son of my heart!
Bright is the diadem, boundless the sway,
Or kingly the death that awaits us to-day!

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