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Anna Akhmatova

Anna Akhmatova


The Star (2)

(From Samuel Galkin, Jewish Poetry)
I do like this star in heights
‘cous it clearly, brightly lights;
‘cous no star in the whole world
such a light to us has brought;
‘cous all its shine in the night
is a single drop inside.

I do like this star skies on
‘cous it shines until a dawn;
‘couse, tho’ pouring light in flood,
it stays always very bright
on its long and labored way
From the star’s height to the wave.

I do like this star, so bright,
‘couse it’s generous of light;
‘couse in its delighted lace
I can grasp the endlessness;
‘couse it’s given (and at once)
To the earth and to the skies.

Translated by Yevgeny Bonver, April 14, 2008
Corrected May-June 2008

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