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You are here: Home » British/American Poets » Robert Louis Stevenson » "Come, Here is Adieu to the City"

Robert Louis Stevenson

Robert Louis Stevenson

"Come, Here is Adieu to the City"

Come, here is adieu to the city
And hurrah for the country again.
The broad road lies before me
Watered with last night's rain.
The timbered country woos me
With many a high and bough;
And again in the shining fallows
The ploughman follows the plough.

The whole year's sweat and study,
And the whole year's sowing time,
Comes now to the perfect harvest,
And ripens now into rhyme.
For we that sow in the Autumn,
We reap our grain in the Spring,
And we that go sowing and weeping
Return to reap and sing.

You are here: Home » British/American Poets » Robert Louis Stevenson » "Come, Here is Adieu to the City"
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