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Robert Louis Stevenson

Robert Louis Stevenson

New Poems

Woman Reading Poetry

My first gift and my last, to you
I dedicate this fascicle of songs -
The only wealth I have:
Just as they are, to you.

I speak the truth in soberness, and say
I had rather bring a light to your clear eyes,
Had rather hear you praise
This bosomful of songs

Than that the whole, hard world with one consent,
In one continuous chorus of applause
Poured forth for me and mine
The homage of ripe praise.

I write the finis here against my love,
This is my love's last epitaph and tomb.
Here the road forks, and I
Go my way, far from yours.

"Lo! In Thine Honest Eyes I Read"
"Though Deep Indifference Should Drowse"
"My Heart, When First the Blackbird Sings"
"I Dreamed of Forest Alleys Fair"
St. Martin's Summer
"The Old Chimaeras, Old Receipts"
The Vanquished Knight
The Commissioners of Northern Lights
"The Relic Taken, What Avails the Shrine?"
"About the Sheltered Garden Ground"
After Reading Antony and Cleopatra
"I Know Not How, But As I Count"
Spring Song
"Summer Sun Shone Round Me"
"You Looked So Tempting In the Pew"
Love's Vicissitudes
"Stout Marches Lead to Certain Ends"
Away With Funeral Music
To Sydney
"Had I the Power That Have the Will"
"O Dull Cold Northern Sky"
Apologetic Postscript of a Year Later
To Marcus
To Ottilie
"This Gloomy Northern Day"
"The Wind is Without There..."
A Valentine's Song
"Hail! Childish Slaves of Social Rules"
"Swallows Travel To and Fro"
To Mesdames Zassetsky And Garschine
To Madame Garschine
Music At the Villa Marina
"Fear Not, Dear Friend..."
"Let Love Go, If Go She Will"
"I Do Not Fear to Own Me Kin"
"I Am Like One That For Long..."
"On Now, Although the Year Be Done"
"In the Green And Gallant Spring"
"Death, To the Dead For Evermore"
To Charles Baxter
"I Who All the Winter Through"
"Love, What Is Love?..."
"Soon Our Friends Perish"
"As One Who Having Wandered..."
"Strange Are the Ways of Men"
"The Wind Blew Shrill And Smart..."
"Man Sails the Deep Awhile"
"The Cock's Clear Voice Into the Clear Air"
"Now When the Number of My Years"
"What Man May Learn, What Man May Do"
"Small is the Trust When Love is Green"
"Know You the River Near to Grez"
"It's Forth Across the Roaring Foam"
An English Breeze
"As In Their Flight the Birds..."
The Piper
To Mrs. Macmarland
To Miss Cornish
Tales of Arabia
"Behold, as Goblins Dark of Mien"
Still I Love to Rhyme
"Long Time I Lay in Little Ease"
"Flower God, God of the Spring..."
"Come, My Beloved, Hear From Me"
"Since Years Ago For Evermore"
Envoy for A Child's Garden of Verses
For Richmond's Garden Wall
"Hail, Guest, And Enter Freely..."
"Lo, Now, My Guest..."
"So Live, So Love, So Use That..."
Ad Se Ipsum
"Before This Little Gift Was Come"
"Go, Little Book -- the Ancient Phrase"
"My Love Was Warm..."
Dedication Poem for Underwoods
The Far-Farers
"Come, My Little Children, Here Are..."
"Home From the Daisied Meadows..."
"Early In the Morning I Hear..."
"Fair Isle At Sea..."
"Loud And Low In the Chimney"
"I Love To Be Warm By the Red..."
"At Last She Comes..."
"Mine Eyes Were Swift To Know..."
"Fixed Is the Doom..."
"Men Are Heaven's Piers..."
"The Angler Rose, He Took..."
Spring Carol
"To What Shall I Compare Her?"
"When the Sun Comes After Rain"
"Late, O Miller"
To Friends at Home
"I, Whom Apollo Sometime Visited"
"Tempest Tossed And Sore Afflicted..."
"I Now, O Friend, Whom..."
"Since Thou Hast Given Me..."
"God Gave to Me a Child in Part"
"Over the Land is April"
"Light As the Linnet On..."
"Come, Here is Adieu to the City"
"It Blows a Snowing Gale..."
Ne Sit Ancillae Tibi Amor Pudor
"To All That Love the Far And Blue"
"Thou Strainest Through the Mountain..."
To Rosabelle
"Now Bare to the Beholder's Eye"
The Bour-Tree Den
Air of Diabelli's
Epitaphium Erotii
De M. Antonio
Ad Magistrum Ludi
Ad Nepotem
In Charidemum
De Ligurra
In Lupum
Ad Quintilianum
De Hortis Julii Martialis
Ad Martialem
In Maximum
Ad Olum
De Coenatione Micae
De Erotio Puella
Ad Piscatorem

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