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Rudyard Kipling

Rudyard Kipling

At His Execution

"The Manner of Men"
St. Paul
From "Limits and Renewals" (1932)
I am made all things to all men--
    Hebrew, Roman, and Greek--
    In each one's tongue I speal,
Suiting to each my word,
That some may be drawn to the Lord!

I am made all things to all men--
    In City or Wilderness
    Praising the crafts they profess
That some may be drawn to the Lord--
By any means to my Lord!

Since I was overcome
    By that great Light and Word,
    I have forgot or forgone
The self men call their own
(Being made all things to all men)
    So that I might save some
    At such small price, to the Lord,
As being all things to all men.

I was made all things to all men,
But now my course is done--
And now is my reward...
Ah, Christ, when I stand at Thy Throne
With those I have drawn to the Lord,
 Restore me my self again!

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